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SuperBASIC is inspired by BBC BASIC but offers quite a bit more.

An informal list of tips, "gotchas":

  1. A regular if then condition can't contain an else statement, as in this example:

10 if a=0 then x=10

  1. If you need to do an if then else structure, you actually have to do an if else endif structure like in the following example, skipping the then statement.

10 if a=0 20 x=1 30 else 40 x=2 50 endif

  1. If you do it in one line it needs to have some colons added, making it look weird like this:

10 if a=0:x=1:else:x=2:endif

  1. if you dare to omit the endif thinking that the if statement won't need it, (mmm.., everything is in one line, so no need, right?) -Nope...all hell breaks loose!-

10 if a=0:x=1:else:x=2: REM "<-- Error, omited the endif"

  1. be careful not to add an extra then statement by mistake to an if else endif structure, if you do -All hell breaks loose again!!-

10 if a=0 then  : rem "<-- Error, THEN is not needed!!!" 20 x=1 30 else 40 x=2 50 endif