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TheOldNet device, Hayes setup
These instructions are no good for F256K at the moment because the kernel does not support Hayes instructions. It may in the future, so I am keeping the notes around.
These instructions are for Serial Wifi Modem for Vintage Computers V4.
Manual for that device:
This device is a wifi adapter that requires separate micro-USB for power.
This is what you need,
- The unit itself
- A way to supply power to it over micro-USB. e.g. Kindle charger, USB-to-microusb cable connected to a computer.
- A way to connect your computer to the DB9 serial port on this device. e.g. PCIe serial adapter, USB-to-DB9 adapter cable.
We will need to configure it for your wifi network against your computer before we connect it to your foenix. (At some future time we will have a serial terminal in the F256k so we can do this from that device.)
On linux,
- Install GNU screen (e.g. sudo apt install screen). Below, you will need to run it as root so it can access raw hardware.
- Identify the serial port, either through syslog or else trial-and-error. If you have USB-to-DB9 it may be /dev/ttyUSB0. With a card, it will be /dev/ttySX.
- sudo screen /dev/ttyS4 300
- If you get gibberish, kill screen (ctrl+a, k), reset the device (button), wait one second, restart screen.
- If you want instructions, type "AT?"
- Set your network SSID: AT$SSID=WIFISSID
- Set your network password: AT$PASS=WIFIPASSWORD
- Connect: ATC1
- If you need to see the configuration in the unit, AT&V
- Save: AT&W
- Set serial baud rate: AT$SB=115200
- Kill screen (ctrl+a, k)
- sudo screen /dev/ttyS4 115200
- Save: AT&W
- Show details: ATI
You should now be able to connect to the unit from wifi on your home network.