Use the PSG

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The PSG is inside the FPGA of the F256Jr, F256K, F256Jr2 and F256K2

The F256 machines have a dual PSG based on the SN76489 inside the Beatrix FPGA which generate 3 tones of square wave and one noise generator each.

Register Name Address Description
PSG_LEFT 0xD600 Send all formatted commands here to the left PSG
PSG_RIGHT 0xD610 Send all formatted commands here to the right PSG
PSG_COMBINED_LEFT_RIGHT 0xD608 Send all formatted commands here to both PSG
SYS1 0xD6A1 System Ctrl reg: bit2 sets PSG_ST = psg status. if 0, left and right are mixed to monaural output. if 1, left and right are normal stereo

Command Formats

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Command Description
1 R2 R1 R0 F3 F2 F1 F0 R's: which register to affect (see below), F's: low four bits of freq
0 X F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 X: unused, F's: high six bits of freq
1 R2 R1 R0 X FB F1 F0 X: unused, FB: control type, F's: frequency of noise gn.
1 R2 R1 R0 A3 A2 A1 A0 R's register target, A's: four attenuation bits
R2 R1 R0 Channel Purpose
0 0 0 Tone 1 Frequency
0 0 1 Tone 1 Attenuation
0 1 0 Tone 2 Frequency
0 1 1 Tone 2 Attenuation
1 0 0 Tone 3 Frequency
1 0 1 Tone 3 Attenuation
1 1 0 Noise Control
1 1 1 Noise Attenuation


To produce a 440 Hz A on Tone 1, send these bytes to address 0xD600 (left PSG)

0b1001 0100 (middle volume "attenuation" command)
0b1000 1101 (low byte of the note)
0b0000 1111 (high byte of the note).

to stop the sound, send to 0xD600:

0b1001 1111 (max attenuation closes off the sound)

Frequency bytes in arrays meant for the C language, hard coded

Command with high bits for the frequency are always the same

uint8_t psgHigh[] = {

0x3f, 0x3b,0x38,0x35,0x32,0x2f,0x2c,0x2a,0x27,0x25,0x23,0x21,

0x1f, 0x1d,0x1c,0x1a,0x19,0x17,0x16,0x15,0x13,0x12,0x11,0x10,

0x0f, 0x0e,0x0e,0x0d,0x0c,0x0b,0x0b,0x0a,0x09,0x09,0x08,0x08,

0x07, 0x07,0x07,0x06,0x06,0x05,0x05,0x05,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,

0x03, 0x03,0x03,0x03,0x03,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,

0x01, 0x01,0x01,0x01};

Command with Low frequency bits, table for tone 1 (the high nybble will be set to 8):

uint8_t psgLow[] = {

0x86, 0x8d,0x87,0x84,0x84,0x87,0x8d,0x84,0x8e,0x8b,0x89,0x89,

0x8b, 0x8e,0x83,0x8a,0x82,0x8b,0x86,0x82,0x8f,0x8d,0x8c,0x8c,

0x8d, 0x8f,0x81,0x85,0x89,0x8d,0x83,0x89,0x8f,0x86,0x8e,0x86,

0x8e, 0x87,0x80,0x8a,0x84,0x8e,0x89,0x84,0x8f,0x8b,0x87,0x83,

0x8f, 0x8b,0x88,0x85,0x82,0x8f,0x8c,0x8a,0x87,0x85,0x83,0x81,

0x8f, 0x8d,0x8c,0x8a};

Command with Low frequency bits, table for tone 2 (the high nybble will be set to A):

uint8_t psgLow[] = {

0xA6, 0xAd,0xA7,0xA4,0xA4,0xA7,0xAd,0xA4,0xAe,0xAb,0xA9,0xA9,

0xAb, 0xAe,0xA3,0xAa,0xA2,0xAb,0xA6,0xA2,0xAf,0xAd,0xAc,0xAc,

0xAd, 0xAf,0xA1,0xA5,0xA9,0xAd,0xA3,0xA9,0xAf,0xA6,0xAe,0xA6,

0xAe, 0xA7,0xA0,0xAa,0xA4,0xAe,0xA9,0xA4,0xAf,0xAb,0xA7,0xA3,

0xAf, 0xAb,0xA8,0xA5,0xA2,0xAf,0xAc,0xAa,0xA7,0xA5,0xA3,0xA1,

0xAf, 0xAd,0xAc,0xAa};

Command with Low frequency bits, table for tone 3 (the high nybble will be set to C):

uint8_t psgLow[] = {

0xC6, 0xCd,0xC7,0xC4,0xC4,0xC7,0xCd,0xC4,0xCe,0xCb,0xC9,0xC9,

0xCb, 0xCe,0xC3,0xCa,0xC2,0xCb,0xC6,0xC2,0xCf,0xCd,0xCc,0xCc,

0xCd, 0xCf,0xC1,0xC5,0xC9,0xCd,0xC3,0xC9,0xCf,0xC6,0xCe,0xC6,

0xCe, 0xC7,0xC0,0xCa,0xC4,0xCe,0xC9,0xC4,0xCf,0xCb,0xC7,0xC3,

0xCf, 0xCb,0xC8,0xC5,0xC2,0xCf,0xCc,0xCa,0xC7,0xC5,0xC3,0xC1,

0xCf, 0xCd,0xCc,0xCa};